Each week on “Buzzworthy Businesses” our hosts, Steve Strum and Chris Budihas, talk to business leaders around Jacksonville who are doing great things in the community. Today, Steve and Chris talk with John Alters of Carlton Construction.
We are a local, commercial construction company founded in 2005. We provide services that include Design-Build, Pre-Construction, and Construction Management focused primarily on serving customers within Northeast Florida.
What Is Your Why?:
My ‘why’ is from a lifetime of observing various buildings and spaces and the experiences they have brought to the quality of my life (both good and bad). The built environment is expensive, takes a lot of time to plan and construct, and tends to lasts for generations; its important to create spaces that reflect the community in which they are built and increase the quality of life for its inhabitants. Being part of a company that aims to create buildings and spaces that enrich life is something I’m proud of and hope to see more of not only from our company but from others within our industry.
How Did You Get Started In Your Field or Work?
Through the school of hard-knocks, dropping out of college and working in the field as a laborer.
What’s One Thing We Should Know That Makes Your Company Unique?
Pardon my French, but we like to say that we have a team of people that “give a damn” because everything matters with our work. The people matter, the details matter, the results matter, and we don’t separate those values from one another as they are equally important to us. We’ve found that Clients who continue working with us appreciate those qualities about us.
What Are Your Biggest Goals in the Next 6 to 12 Months for Your Business?
Become part of the exciting growth happening in and around Downtown Jacksonville.
View original post: Buzzworthy Businesses with John Alters of Carlton Construction on Daily News Network.
This post was originally published on Daily News Network.