Buzzworthy Businesses with Nicole Fletcher of Live by the Axe

Each week on “Buzzworthy Businesses” our hosts, Steve Strum and Chris Budihas talks to business leaders around Jacksonville who are doing great things in the community. Today, Steve and Chris talk to Nicole Fletcher of Live by the Axe.

Indoor axe throwing venue in Fleming Island behind V Pizza.

What Is Your Why?

To bring the sport of axe throwing to Clay county and support our community

How Did You Get Started In Your Field or Work?

Started my own venue when our local one closed

What Are Your Biggest Goals in the Next 6 to 12 Months for Your Business?

My biggest goals are to spread the name of Live by the Axe and the sport of axe throwing our community

View original post: Buzzworthy Businesses with Nicole Fletcher of Live by the Axe on Daily News Network.

This post was originally published on Daily News Network.