Business Profile Law Offices of Mark F. Moss, PLLC

Business Name: Law Offices of Mark F. Moss, PLLC
First Name (Owner/Contact): Mark
Last Name: Moss
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 904-748-9467
Address: PO Box 61373
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32236
Select One Category : Community
Please provide a description about your business (At least 200 words): Law practice with a focus on estate planning and probate. A law practice that has adapted with technology, providing convenience and meeting the client where they are. We spend time with each client to create a customized estate plan to protect their assets, and transfer as much as possible to the next generation. Spending as much time giving back to the community, through involvement on Boards and campaigns like Real Men Wear Pink.
File Upload (LOGO): LOMFM-Logo.png
File Upload (up to 3 photos): Mark-Moss_RMWP.jpg
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