Business Profile Zisser Family Law

Business Name: Zisser Family Law
First Name (Owner/Contact): Carolyn
Last Name: Zisser
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9042498787
Address: 302 Third Street, Suite 6
City: Neptune Beach
State: FL
Zip: 32266
Select One Category : Community
Please provide a description about your business (At least 200 words): The law firm of Zisser Family Law is devoted to excellence and providing the highest standards of representation in complex marital and family law cases throughout Florida. Our integrated team approach includes the commitment of experienced marital and family law attorneys, paralegals, administrative staff, and allied professionals. Resolving our cases through settlement is something we strive to achieve for our clients. If a settlement cannot be reached, we provide vigorous representation in the courtroom. Our practice is to attempt to de-escalate the tension between the parties at the commencement of a dissolution of marriage action. We develop a case plan at the beginning of the case identifying the key issues, the discovery needed, and witnesses to speak to related to those issues. The client is an integral part of collecting necessary information in the case. Once sufficient discovery is completed to identify our client’s legal rights and obligations, we schedule informal settlement conferences with the other spouse/party and his or her attorney in advance of mediation or trial. We also identify the hot-button issues in each case and work with opposing counsel to narrow down those documents, pieces of information, or particular expert we may need to resolve the case.