Business ProfileChristopher Queen Consulting LLC

Business Name: Christopher Queen Consulting LLC
First Name (Owner/Contact): Christopher
Last Name: Queen
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 904-204-1211
Address: 25 N Market St Suite 211
City: Orange Park
State: FL
Zip: 32202
Select One Category : Community
Please provide a description about your business (At least 200 words): Christopher Queen Consulting has been in the software development business for over 10 years and has specialized in web development, project management, and IT consulting since 2010.

With our arsenal of Magento and Scrum Master certifications, we have successfully deployed several e-commerce websites for Fortune 500 companies and provided solutions for many IT projects.

It is our goal to help mid-sized to large companies prepare, plan, implement, and deploy web and software solutions for their business needs. We focus on the details provided by our clients and leverage the skills of our professionals to create a streamlined process towards successful completion.

No two projects are exactly alike and we believe that each approach should also change as needed. Our team are experts in problem solving and flexible enough to implement new tools that best serve as a solution. Not only will we bring in the right tools but we will also train you and your staff how to properly use them yourselves.

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