Business ProfileNorfleet Integrated Solutions

Business Name: Norfleet Integrated Solutions
First Name (Owner/Contact): Wendy
Last Name: Norfleet
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 904-530-1800
Address: 11250 Old St. Augustine Rd, Suite 15-173
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32257
Select One Category : Community
Please provide a description about your business (At least 200 words): Norfleet Integrated Solutions, Inc. (NIS) launched in March 2017 to provide individuals and corporate clients solutions to fulfill training, leadership development and career needs. NIS provides simple-to-complex, customized technical and nontechnical training to individuals and organizations, including leadership development workshops designed to grow and enhance leadership capabilities. Recently NIS launched a leadership series, Foundations for Success, for rising high school seniors in Duval County. In addition to helping clients with career coaching and work/life balance programs, NIS conducts in-depth personal assessments, develops client strengths, and provides assistance with interview skills, resume writing and cover letters. Our goal is to propel careers!

As President & CEO, Dr. Norfleet holds life coach, leadership development and career development certifications. She is also certified as a trainer, motivational speaker and coach under John Maxwell. She leads a team of dynamic individuals to serve clients. Presently serving on several boards, she has been published numerous times and has received awards for her service and leadership.

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