Business Profile Women2Women National Conversations Tour

Business Name: Women2Women National Conversations Tour
First Name (Owner/Contact): Sarah
Last Name: Chamberlain
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202 393 2515
Address: 325 7th Street NW
City: Washington
State: DC
Zip: 20004
Select One Category : Community
Please provide a description about your business (At least 200 words): The Women2Women National Conversations Tour is building a movement empowering and engaging women nationwide. Founded in 2014 by Sarah Chamberlain, the tour is a series of public meetings taking place across the country designed to engage, motivate and help amplify the voices of women from all backgrounds. It aims to spark dialogue about what issues matter most to women in our local communities, and how we can work together to address their concerns, from the local level to Washington, D.C. We want women nationwide to raise their hand and say “Count me in!”
File Upload (LOGO): W2Wlogo-CountMeIn.png
File Upload (up to 3 photos): Sarah-Headshot-7.2018.png
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