“Finding Your Frequency” with Casey Ruttan of Power Systems Inc of Florida

On this episode of Finding Your Frequency, your host, Brian Sexton, sits down and tunes in to conversations with some of the best and brightest creators, influencers, and entrepreneurs that Jacksonville has to offer. Today, Brian sits down with Casey Ruttan of Power Systems Inc of Florida.

Short Company Description:

Power Systems Inc of Florida is an OEM and value add distributor of Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Motion Control systems and components.
We specialize in solving difficult problems in hydraulic and pneumatic systems in any industry from wood processing to space exploration to aluminum extrusion and everything in between. If its under pressure, we can generally help.

Who are you? (What’s important to you? Where are you from?):

Originally from Canada. Moved to Florida in 2023. What’s important to me is my faith, that everything is working out for me. My wife Michele, and my kids.
Freedom, and doing the right thing. I believe that doing the right thing, and doing good work is the best focus. Success in all aspects of life come with that.

Where do you want to go in life or in your business?:

I enjoy solving problems in an enhancing way that adds to a situation. Empowering myself and the people around me in a trusting way is something I don’t take lightly. A decision made today can have lasting effects on someone.
As I see the generation ahead of me start to retire there will be a large gap in the knowledge base, so over the next 10-20 years we need to teach our youth real, practical skills to be able to maintain what we’ve built, improve health and wellness, safety, mental health, along with comprehension of mechanical and engineering concepts, so we don’t end up going backwards.

What are you willing to do to get there?:

My wife and I spend a lot of time and effort on health and wellness. She’s a holistic nutritionist, so I’m blessed to get the best food and nutritional supplements available. That allows me to focus on my knowledge base which is focused in fluid power systems, law and freedom among other concepts like history and the English language, and then applying that knowledge into wisdom. When we know better, we must do better, or its wasted.
I’m willing to do the right thing, even when it doesn’t benefit me financially, because the ancillary benefits to that far outweigh short term financial gain.

View original post: “Finding Your Frequency” with Casey Ruttan of Power Systems Inc of Florida on Daily News Network.

This post was originally published on Daily News Network.