Josh Jones
Founder/Strategist at
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On “Media Champions,” our host speaks with experts within the marketing community. This week our host speaks with Josh Jones from To learn more check out
What is the biggest change in marketing that you see coming in the next 2 years?
The need to understand and anticipate future customers is bound to become even more essential than in the past, because the end users of almost every company’s products are shifting in makeup, location, and number at an ever-increasing rate.
Are their any trade organizations or groups that you belong to?
AMA – American Marketing Association
BMAA – Black Marketers Association of America
What is the advantage to working with an outside media buyer as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?
Outside media buyers tend to be more ROI focused, vs internal teams that deal with “red tape” from the inside of an organization.
What is one tip that you would give when it comes to media planning?
Research, REsearch, RESEARCH!
How does a media buyer stay on top of trends with media placement?
Following “gurus”;
Read daily publications;
Testing with budgets