“Explore The Spectrum” with Autism Activist, Marcus Boyd

Marcus Boyd
Autism Activist Marcus Boyd at Autism Activist Marcus Boyd
Website Address: https://autismactivistmarcusb.com

Each week on Explore the Spectrum, our host Jeanetta Bryant discusses the latest news and developments related to autism, as well as providing expert insights and advice to our audience. Be ready for anything by listening to what these insiders have to say. This week, Jeanetta speaks with Autism Activist, Marcus Boyd.

To learn more, visit https://autismactivistmarcusb.com.

Short company description:

Marcus Boyd is a 7x award winning autism activist he is a international speaker and a Lifetime Presidential Achievement Award winner from president Joe Biden and a humanitarian award winner he has autism he was non verbal for almost 14 years of his life his has been bullied and mistreated ok medications in and out of foster homes and group homes and mental institutions was homeless for years.

What Is Your Why (Why Are You In Business)?

Because Marcus believes that everyone with autism has a voice and it deserves to be heard and he fights for new laws and rights and benefits that will help the autism communities worldwide.

How did you get started in your field or work?

Marcus has been a autism activist going on six years now and has given countless hour and time for autism.

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?

Marcus is a walking brand and a voice for autism and he uses his story and his work to help bring awareness and change for others.

What are your biggest goals in the next 6 to 12 Months for your business?

To continue being a autism activist. To do more speaking engagements. Meet with more governors and mayor’s offices and to continue to leave a impact.

Who do you know that is impacted by Autism and how has that impacted you?

Marcus Boyd has autism and it has impacted his whole life but he didn’t allow his trails and tribulations to stop him he kept going and now he is a voice for others.