Motivational speaker and author Snowden McFall ( welcomes outstanding first coast women leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice and tips for women. Today, Snowden talks to Susan Kavanaugh from Conscious Communications, LLC.
Susan Kavanaugh’s professional and personal purpose in life is to ignite hope in as many people as possible. She founded her company in 1996 and has provided marketing, development, and assorted writing services to companies focused on “business as a force for good,” such as nonprofits and social enterprises. To learn more, please visit
Read more HERE.
BluHorn Media Planning and Buying Software Is an affordable, easy-to-use tool that advertising agencies, media buyers/planners, and digital media directors and strategists use to plan media, buy media, analyze media, report media, and reconcile programmatic, digital and traditional media buys. BluHorn integrates with Nielson, Comscore, BluHorn Programmatic (powered by Centro), and QuickBooks; saving you time and money. While other tools on the market like MediaForce, GaleForce Digital, Advantage, Strata, and FreeWheel may require contracts, BluHorn remains a cost-effective solution with no contract requirements. Enjoy a 14-day risk-free trial of BluHorn Media Buying software today at