“Making a Difference” with Abbey Rindlisbacher from The Grit Girl Group

Each week on “Making a Difference,” our host, Wayne Veldsman, interviews people making a difference in their community. Today, Wayne had the pleasure of talking with Abbey Rindlisbacher from The Grit Girl Group.

The Grit Girl Group is a nonprofit that gives girls and women leadership development training and opportunities.

To learn more, check out https://www.thegritgirlgroup.com

How did you get started in your field or work? I did a few nonprofit marketing internships.

How does your company inspire others? We connect our clients with role models and mentors that align with their goals. We help them network and host events where they can hear from industry leaders.

What are your biggest goals in the next 6 to 12 Months for your business? Our biggest goal is growth! We want to help more people and gain more visibility so that people know we are a resource.