Advertising Champions with Brett Knopf of KnopfKnows Solutions

On Advertising Champions, our host Tony Stanol interviews bright and engaging members of the digital advertising and media community. On this segment, Tony speaks with Brett Knopf of KnopfKnows Solutions.

KnopfKnows Solutions is a coaching/consulting company that helps entrepreneurs build high-performance leadership and sales teams.

What is your BEST service?


How do you define success?

Measurably helping people elevate their performance personally and professionally.

How did you get started in your field or work?

Spent 20 years in leadership/sales management positions prior to founding KnopfKnows Solutions

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?

We utilize personal development strategies as the catalyst for elite team performance.

What was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome in your business?

Initial lack of clarity on ideal client profile which resulted in marketing difficulties and a degree of imposter syndrome.

This post first appeared on Daily News Network.