“Ask The Attorney” with Will Kurtz, Law Offices of William Kurtz

Each week on Ask The Attorney, our host Steve Strum talks to attorneys from all over to figure our exactly what it is they do. This week on Ask The Attorney, Steve talks to Will Kurtz from the Law Offices of William Kurtz.

The Law Offices of William W. Kurtz Jr., P.A., I hope, is a different kind of law firm. Born out of the discipline and dedication of service to my country, I started this law firm to ensure that every single client has a voice so that their story would be told. When you are a client of a larger law firm you are a number, passed off from one attorney to another. Sometimes you can be passed off to three or more attorneys before your case is resolved. And this delays justice. Too many times when I was a trial attorney at one of the larger firms in town, I would see where this “handing off” of clients from one attorney to another would cause the firm to lose sight of what was important in a particular case. Things can get missed or forgotten. Sometimes they were very important things. So I decided that I would create a law firm that was dedicated to telling the story of each and every client. A law firm that was leaner and meaner than the rest. A law firm that knows its clients. One that knows their stories. Because I believe that at the end of the day your story isn’t something that has just happened to you – your story is part of what makes you who you are. Your story may be one of tragedy, it may be one of mistake, or it may be one of triumph. Whatever your story is, you need someone on your side, who will know your story completely, someone who will dedicate themselves to telling it, someone who will not rest until your story is told. Let us tell your story.

To learn more, please visit kurtzlawgrouop.com.

Buzz TV Host Stephen Strum is a Financial Advisor with 20 years’ experience in management and sales leadership, most noteworthy for management of flagship institutions and achievement of large financial goals. Steve has contributed to several charities, educational events, and philanthropic organizations. Steve is a native of South Florida who relocated to Jacksonville in 2005. Steve completed his MBA at Nova Southeastern University, graduating Sigma Beta Delta.