Each week on Healthy Take, Mike White interviews interesting people about health and fitness. This week Mike White spoke to Safura and Ubaid Osmani, The Jax Vegan Couple.
Jax Vegan Couple: “We have been vegan for about 10 years and are passionate about healthy plant-based eating and love to share our knowledge with others. When we went vegan we began feeling more energetic, stronger, creative and happier than ever before, we wanted to learn more from the top experts in the food and health field. We read The China Study, watched Forks Over Knives and learned more about the teachings of doctors Joel Furhman, Michael Greger, Joel Kahn, Michael Klaper, John McDougall, Caldwell Esselstyn, and Neal Barnard.. We are live on all social channels Facebook, Instagram YouTube, twitter Pinterest blog. We share lots of recipes, tips and resources. With our followers. Wr want to help th m reverse their disease through proper diet and eating well. We ar certified in nutritional cooking. We We give back to the community by volunteering and providing free services to help others on this healthy lifestyle.”
Mike White launched Client Focused Media in 2002, the leading integrated marketing firm in Northeast Florida with extensive capabilities and experience providing strategic planning, marketing, creative, advertising, printing, branding, public relations and crisis communications services. He also serves as the Publisher of Jacksonville Buzz Magazine which reaches 150,000 readers each month and is the CEO of Bluhorn Solutions. Because of White’s commitment to provide the broadest range of integrated marketing services possible for CFM’s clients, he also founded an events production company as well as a promotional product company to support CFM’s cutting edge marketing campaigns and to yield measurable results for CFM clients at the most efficient rates.
To learn more about The Jax Vegan Couple, shoot them an email at [email protected]