“Explore The Spectrum” with Jamiel Owens from Ausomeness Inc. /The Ausome show

Jamiel Owens
Founder/ Host & Creator at Ausomeness Inc. /The Ausome show
Website Address: https://facebook.com/ausomenessinc/

Each week on Explore the Spectrum, our host Jeanetta Bryant discusses the latest news and developments related to autism, as well as providing expert insights and advice to our audience. Be ready for anything by listening to what these insiders have to say. This week, Jeanetta speaks with Jamiel Owens from Ausomeness Inc. /The Ausome show.

To learn more, visit https://facebook.com/ausomenessinc/.

Short company description:

A safe space for the Autistic community to grow and learn from each other. This will be an on line platform that would be interactive and easy to use for all.

What Is Your Why (Why Are You In Business)?

I am an Autism father. Having no one when I first received my son’s diagnosis, has motivated me to help others who may need help with resources and education regarding Autism and IDD.

How did you get started in your field or work?

Advocating for my son; starting my podcast platform “The Ausome show”.

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?

It’s rooted from love; personal lived experience in the Autism community.

What are your biggest goals in the next 6 to 12 Months for your business?

To finally have my website up and running. Continue more of my events with other community stakeholders into 2024. Speak at Tedx.

Who do you know that is impacted by Autism and how has that impacted you?

My son. The most beautiful and influential part of my life. He has taught me so much about Humility and love.