“More 2 Media” with Jeff Cleasby from INFUSEmedia

Jeff Cleasby
VP Strategic Accounts at INFUSEmedia
Website Address: https://infusemedia.com/

“More 2 Media” is a show made for people in the world of marketing and media who want to grow their media knowledge. Interviewing experts around the country, “More 2 Media” is the place to go for tips, tricks and entertaining quips to take your business to the next level.

This week our host interviews Jeff Cleasby from INFUSEmedia. To learn more check out https://infusemedia.com.

What is the biggest change in marketing that you see coming in the next 2 years?

Better and more utilization of brand advocates

What is one tip that you would give when it comes to digital marketing?


What are the most effective advertising tactics and/or media for your company?

OmniChannel approach using Psychographics

What are the major challenges that you (and/or other advertisers) face today?

1. Timing – Right message delivered in the right format, down the right channel to the right person that gains a positive response
2. Knowledge – Knowing what to ignore is just as important as what needs to be focused on