“Explore The Spectrum” with Martha Gabler from TAGteach International

Martha Gabler
TAGteach Faculty: Autism Parent Educator at TAGteach International
Website Address: www.autismchaostocalm.com and www.tagteach.com

Each week on Explore the Spectrum, our host Jeanetta Bryant discusses the latest news and developments related to autism, as well as providing expert insights and advice to our audience. Be ready for anything by listening to what these insiders have to say. This week, Jeanetta speaks with Martha Gabler from TAGteach International.

To learn more, visit www.tagteach.com.

Short company description:

TAGteach stands for Teaching with Acoustical Guidance. TAGteach is based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), and it promulgates the use of “acoustical guidance”, a distinct sound (the tag/click), to teach skills. What is the point? With TAGteach™, a revolutionary new way of teaching, it’s a tag point. The tag point is the specific learning goal that the teacher will mark with a tag that highlights success for the learner.

The tag pinpoints the exact moment the tag point is executed correctly and gives immediate and clear feedback to the learner or athlete.

The most common and effective way to mark a correct response is with a short sharp sound made using a handheld clicker or tagger.

Conditioned Reinforcer: The tag becomes a conditioned positive reinforcer through association with tangible rewards (candy for example), or as a result of the good feelings that come from success and improvement and praise from the teacher.

What Is Your Why (Why Are You In Business)?

TAGteach International provides resources, training and consulting to teach people how to set specific goals, via the “tag point” development process, how to mark successful learning actions quickly and accurately, and how to reinforce successful learning. Many free resources are available on the website. Those who are interested in advanced training and certification can attend seminars for further development; also, TAGteach consulting services are available for businesses and other organizations.

How did you get started in your field or work?

As the mother of a nonverbal child with severe autism, I was desperate to find a way to increase productive behaviors and decrease the many dysfunctional behaviors associated with autism. TAGteach was such a successful tool that I wrote a book entitled “Chaos to Calm: Discovering solutions to the everyday problems of living with autism,” that specifically addresses the use of TAGteach for autism. The book is organized as a guide for parents of children with autism.

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?

TAGteach International is the only place on the internet where people can learn about teaching with acoustical guidance. My book, “Chaos to Calm,” and the accompanying website, www.autismchaostocalm.com, are the only sources where autism parents (and others) can learn how to use TAGteach to increase family happiness. Many free resources specifically addressing TAGteach for autism are available on the autismchaostocalm website; these include dozens of articles, free downloads, a free video course, and two free ebooks. The passion of everyone involved in TAGteach is to improve teaching, coaching, and learning for all learners, from the most advanced to the most challenged.

What are your biggest goals in the next 6 to 12 Months for your business?

To spread information about TAGteach and its unique capability to “capture” tiny flashes of productive behaviors in children and adults with autism and “shape” these tiny flashes of behavior into useful skills.

Who do you know that is impacted by Autism and how has that impacted you?

I have a 27-year-old nonverbal son with profound autism. Taking care of him, teaching him, and building a fulfilling life for him has been the supreme challenge of our lives. My husband and I have dedicated our lives to educating him and caring for him. The impact has been constant amazement! Constant amazement that there is such excellent science, primarily Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which can make a huge difference for this population, yet most families still cannot access even a fraction of the information and methodologies available. It is stunningly disheartening. Dr. Skinner published “The Behavior of Organisms” in 1938, 85 years ago, yet this information continues to encounter obstacles in the mainstream.