Michael Solomon
Professor of Marketing at Saint Joseph’s University
Website Address: https://www.michaelsolomon.com/
Each week on “Marketing For Your Future,” our host talks to media experts across the country. This week our host speaks with Michael Solomon from Saint Joseph’s University. To learn more, check out https://www.michaelsolomon.com/
What is the biggest change in marketing that you see coming in the next 2 years?
Expect to see an increase in curated, hybrid customer experiences that focus on “markets-of-one” rather than large, homogeneous market segments.
What is one tip that you would give when it comes to digital marketing?
Adopt an omnichannel perspective that makes you “media-agnostic” to be sure you connect with customers who no longer distinguish between offline/online marketing.
What is something in your career that you learned from by making a mistake?
Delegating responsibility for important things to people whom I assumed were competent to handle them – but they weren’t!