“Buzzworthy Businesses” with Arun Gulani from The Gulani Vision Institute

Each week on “Buzzworthy Businesses” our host, Steve Strum, talk to business leaders around Jacksonville who are doing great things in the community. Today, Steve talks to Arun Gulani from The Gulani Vision Institute.

Dr. Gulani is a world destination for patients and surgeons seeking the best in vision care. “Man of Vision” is a title bestowed upon him for not only his pursuit to deliver vision beyond 20/20 but also his unflinching leadership in leading the eye care industry worldwide towards designing the future of vision.

To learn more, visit https://www.gulanivision.com.

Short company description: World renown eye surgery practice with next generation Lasik and Cataract techniques that draws a global clientele.

What makes your company unique?: Innovative Vision Corrective Techniques and Technologies to help all levels of glasses and Contact lenses including Reading Glasses and is a world destination for fixing complications

How do you define success?: Able to enjoy an Ice cream on a busy cross street on Monday morning with no worries.

What’s your favorite way to get involved in the community?: Always help others rise. Spend your talents

Who inspires you and why?: The smiles and successes of people I help