“Buzzworthy Businesses” with Jill Bussey from Your Digital Rank

Each week on “Buzzworthy Businesses” our host, Jesse Stakes, talk to business leaders around Jacksonville who are doing great things in the community. Today, Jesse talks to Jill Bussey from Your Digital Rank.

Your Digital Rank assists small businesses and entrepreneurs in the dog, fashion, and health & fitness, and more industries with gaining a conversion.

To learn more, please visit https://yourdigitalrank.com.

Short company description: I help various content creators create sales funnels using Pinterest with targeted leads.

What makes your company unique?: My company is unique because not many people realize they can utilize Pinterest to drive traffic to their business. Pinterest is a visual search engine that has a lot of traffic-driving power. I help companies get their business on Pinterest and I manage their account monthly.

How do you define success?: When I reach a point where I can be in a position to scale my company. Witnessing the companies that I help grow as well.

What’s your favorite way to get involved in the community?: I like to offer support, such as, letting other people know about a business, offering advice, participating in market research if the opportunity arises.

Who inspires you and why?: I will have to say my boyfriend inspires me. He has always pushed me to try and not give up. He has helped me think outside the box. He’s had businesses too and he always gives me the right advice when it comes to business questions.