“Buzzworthy Businesses” with Karen Nutter from CBK Advising

Each week on “Buzzworthy Businesses” our host, Jesse Stakes, talk to business leaders around Jacksonville who are doing great things in the community. Today, Jesse talks to Karen Nutter from CBK Advising.

CBK creates culture change from the inside out through trainings, assessments, and team building.

To learn more, please visit https://cbkadvising.com.

What makes your company unique?: Karen’s unique set of skills as a trainer, published author, extensive training with the medical industry and facilitation. I also grew up in poverty so I can relate to all walks of life.

How do you define success?: Contentment

What’s your favorite way to get involved in the community?: By giving back time to different causes. And by spreading positivity and empathy with everyone I come in contact with.

Who inspires you and why?: My grandfather who’s deceased, my mother who’s deceased and both had great work ethic. My aunt (deceased) because of her devoted giving to others and my spiritual mentor Cathy.