“Ignite Success” with John Mott from PPLSI

John Mott
Independent Associate – Director at PPLSI
Website Address: johnmott.wearelegalshield.com

On “Ignite Success,” Sherrie Clark welcomes outstanding leaders to this uplifting and interesting show, filled with practical advice and tips for business professionals. This week, Sherrie spoke with John Mott from PPLSI.

To learn more, check out johnmott.wearelegalshield.com.

Short company description:

Our mission is simple. We dismantle barriers to equal access to legal services and privacy management.

How do you define success?

Effectively & intentionally
impacting the lives of others while challenging them to embrace their greatness and empower them to duplicate the same.

If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

Inspiring others to live with purposes

How has your business changed in the past 12 months?

Technology play a bigger role in the way we communicate to our clients; the virtual world is now apart of every conversation, partially due to COVID19. In-person meetings are no longer the only option. So I conduct business online more than not, which has it’s benefits.

What are your biggest goals in the next 12 Months for your business?

To expand my reach beyond Florida and surrounding areas to reach more businesses and consumers in the Spanish and English speaking communities throughout the US and Canada.