“On A Mission” with Chrissy Das from (I)nvisible Writer

Chrissy Das
Book Coach + Ghostwriter at (I)nvisible Writer
Website Address: www.nvisiblewriter.com

Each week on “On a Mission” we talk to community leaders who are out to make a positive impact in the area. Today, our host Dr. Wendy Norfleet talks with Chrissy Das from (I)nvisible Writer.

To learn more, check out www.nvisiblewriter.com.

Short company description:

Chrissy Das founded (i)nvisible writer in 2015. She works with service-based business owners and creative professionals who want to use the best words to communicate life-changing ideas through their nonfiction books.

How do you define success?

Success is when you have the mental and financial bandwidth to help others.

What are your biggest goals in the next 12 Months for your business?

I am on a mission to support 100 authors in completing their nonfiction manuscript by the end of 2023.