“The Horse’s Mouth” with DK Sharma from In-House Capital

Welcome to “The Horse’s Mouth” with Tom McManus, a cool, unique talk show where Tom’s guests sidle up to his bar to discuss sports, business and life. Today, Tom sat down with DK Sharma from In-House Capital/WorkPlaceCredit.

WorkPlaceCredit is in the business of democratizing access to affordable credit for credit challenged but stably employed individuals.

To learn more, visit https://www.workplacecredit.com.

How do you define success?: Success is in seeing a whole bunch of our clients get out of a vicious debt trap while improving their credit profile. Of course to enable doing that we have to stay in business and lend responsibly and sustainably. However we believe that win win across our clients success and our business success is very much possible if we can get our message across in an economically efficient manner.

How has your business changed in the past 12 months?: It is growing rapidly and we have been able to help many individuals during the challenging pandemic times.

What do you feel the Jaguars need to do to market their product?: Ah, just keep winning i guess as nothing succeeds like success ! They have die hard fans who are rooting for their success and look forward to their product offerings.

Who inspires you and why?: Elon Musk is someone who really inspires me. He has the ability to go to the fundamentals and question why things can’t be done differently and then execute as per a newer model relentlessly with passion. Be it space travel or electric cars, he has continuously demonstrated ability to innovate in a totally different plane than thought possible.

What the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome in your business?: We have still not overcome it! We believe we have a very good product for the credit challenged in their time of need, be it an emergency car repair, or a high co-pay and when a bank loan is not available. We want to stop these individuals who have a stable job from going to usurious lenders but how to get the message across at scale without incurring massive advertising and marketing costs which can run the risk of making the product expensive for already stretched individuals is something that we are always trying to solve for.