Each week on “5 Minute Salute,” our host, Dan Bean, talks to veterans who have successfully transitioned from active duty to the business world. This week, Dan sat down with Buddy Harris from the National POWMIA Memorial and Museum.
The National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum is located on 26-acres in Northeast Florida at the former Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Master Jet Base (1941-1999) currently known as Cecil Commerce Center.
To learn more, visit https://www.powmiamemorial.org.
What Branch of Service where you in and for how long?: USNR. Retired after 20 as 05.
After your service ended, how did you spend your time? Did you go back to school? Immediately enter the private sector?: After active duty, joined reserves and flew for airlines
Are you a member of any veteran organizations? If so which ones?: Spokesperson for POW/MIA Memorial and Musuem
What has been your career after your service came to an end?: Reserves/airlines and worked on MIA issues
Was there anything or anyone that helped you during the transition from military to civilian life?: Working on repatriation of Capt Scott Speicher