Business Profile – Dear Future, inc

Dear Future, inc
Website Address:

Short company description:

Dear Future is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with the vision to bring education and health to every child. Our method of operation is by providing students that live in extremely remote and extremely poor regions of the world school materials necessary for them to get the most out school education. Currently we work in the Andes of Peru and in tow separate villages of Uganda, where children don’t have access to basic needs. Our other programs include: Hygienic towels for teen girls to not miss another day of school – Village women don’t have access to this basic sanitary tool that children are left to the only safe option of not going to school; or when necessary, they have to use resort to extremely unsanitary options. We joined our Ugandan partner Empathy Children Initiative to provide girls with as much as we could provide. Mattresses for children that sleep on the floor – unfortunately a reality in the villages of Uganda, most children sleep on the ground on papaya leave pads. We chose to slowly try to make a difference in their lives and to provide children one mattress at a time. In January of 2023 we built a school.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year?

We need to hire a marketing manager.

What differentiates you from the competition?

We are a small company and have the ability to move slowly, while providing our donors transparency and an organic feel.

What are your top selling services or products that your company offers?

We care for children.

If you had one message to get across to future customers, what would it be?

It is our mission to provide equity of education to children everywhere to ensure our kids in the future don’t have to take on the world alone.