Business Profile – Footprints Floors

Footprints Floors
Website Address:

Short company description:

Footprints Floors serves homeowners on the First Coast to realize their flooring dreams. We specialize in all hard flooring materials spanning from traditional flooring concepts all the way to unique tiling projects. We have a direct focus on hardwood restoration and installation within the historical communities surrounding our area.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year?

Increasing organic web presence and word of mouth.

What differentiates you from the competition?

Integrity fueled by a desire to continually become an expert through continual trainings and education.

What are your top selling services or products that your company offers?

Hardwood restoration (Sand/refinishing, repairs, etc.) and tile projects.

If you had one message to get across to future customers, what would it be?

Their investment can trusted with Footprints Floors and that we can be trusted in an industry that continues to push out bad contractors.