Business Profile – The DealPoint Law Firm

The DealPoint Law Firm
Website Address:

Short company description:

As a lawyer, I help individuals and organizations with contract negotiation. In addition, as a consultant, I bring leading process-improvement methodologies and the fundamentals of contract negotiation together to deliver powerful solutions for organizations and individuals. I also serve as a coach-tutor-mentor to executives, account managers and business owners with regard to deal makling.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year?

Proving the power of the negotiation-as-a-project model for dramatically improving deal flow and deal quality.

What differentiates you from the competition?

Three things: (1) A focus on technology/content licensing, sales and procurement for organizations, (2) a focus on serving the needs of individuals in business transactions, and (3) my negotiation-as-a-project approach to improving contract operations.

What are your top selling services or products that your company offers?

DP Sentinel (legal services for individuals in business transactions and relationships), DP Sherpa (deal-related coaching-tutoring-mentoring for executives, account managers and business owners), DP Advantage (legal services for organizations in doing technology licensing, sales, or procurement deals), and DP Navigator (a consulting service to improve deal flow and deal quality in organizations)

If you had one message to get across to future customers, what would it be?

There are better ways to do deals.