Business Profile – The Human Stack

The Human Stack
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Short company description:

The Human Stack addresses the gap between the 90% of nonprofits that collect data while only 5% use that data to make decisions. We use a proprietary methodology to create digital culture that taps into the base code of humans, belonging, to address tech shame, technology isolation, and user expectations.
Today’s tech platforms are like car manufacturers and professional services are like car dealerships; nonprofits know how to acquire technology, they just don’t know how to drive it. Which is why we’ve created Digital Drivers Ed to help nonprofits drive technology.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year?

How many car commercials have you seen vs how many drivers ed commercials? Today’s marketing focuses on acquisition of technology, not on the reality that most businesses don’t know how to drive it.

What differentiates you from the competition?

We’re a tech company that focuses on human behavior and belonging. When our work creates competition, that will be the ultimate social proof in my book.

What are your top selling services or products that your company offers?

Digital Drivers Ed for Small Teams.

If you had one message to get across to future customers, what would it be?

When struggling with information systems ask if your team knows how to drive it. If the issue is driving, talk with me.