Business Profile Finding Fathers Inc.

Business Name: Finding Fathers Inc.
First Name: Donald R.
Last Name: Adams II
Address: 3847 westridge drive
City: Orange Park
State: FL
Zip: 32065

About Us: Finding Fathers Inc. is a non-profit 501 c 3 community association that seeks provides support for fatherless children and all parties involved.

Finding Fathers Inc. is headquartered in Orange Park, FL and organized on a local level. Advisors and board members coordinate activities for the organization.

The Finding Fathers Inc. concept was developed on January 23rd, 2020 by Donald Ray Adams II of Chicago, Illinois.

Our mission is to build a community of support for fatherless children around the world through global networking and innovative parenting strategies.

Finding Fathers Inc. is set up like a fraternal organization and would like to accept fathers, mothers and children into its membership.

One of the main goals of Finding Fathers Inc. is to create more awareness and understanding of the issues plaguing fatherless children and all parties involved.