Business Profile Fusco Law Group


Business Name: Fusco Law Group
First Name: Lewis
Last Name: Fusco
Address: 630 West Adams St Ste. 103-105
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32204

About Us : My name is Lewis Fusco and I am the Founder & Managing Partner at Fusco Law Group.
I became a trial lawyer to fight for the Constitutional Rights that our nation were founded on. When I first started Fusco Law, I focused exclusively on criminal defense. My reputation as an aggressive defense strategist grew in Jacksonville and the surrounding area. My clients knew that we weren’t afraid to take their case to trial and fight for their rights. Over the past five years, the trust I built with my clients brought new opportunities. Former clients contacted me daily seeking advice on legal issues not related to criminal law. That’s why we expanded to other areas of law and formed Fusco Law Group as a way to ensure our clients have the best possible representation no matter what issue in life they’re facing.

We brought on experienced attorneys who focus exclusively on their area of practice. The benefits to our clients were immediate and immense. Frequently, criminal law triggered family law issues or even civil lawsuit. Quite simply, we can keep most of our client’s legal needs in house. When it comes to legal matters, consider us your family.