Business Profile Pet Paradise

Business Name: Pet Paradise
First Name: Jaime
Last Name: Pickett
Address: 1551 Atlantic Blvd, Suite 200
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32207

What type of business services do you offer? Boarding, Day Camp, Grooming, Veterinary Care

What role does social media play in your outreach? Social media plays a critical role not just from a brand awareness standpoint but also connecting with our clients and developing relationships. It provides a great opportunity to establish customer service by gathering input, answering questions and listening to their feedback.

What differentiates you from the competition? Pet Paradise offers comprehensive pet care. We strive to enhance the quality of life for pets, our customers and our team members. Our united love for pets is what drew us to this line of work; it’s what fuels our workplace values of passion, and community. And our focus on innovation is what sets us apart in our industry.