Business Profile sntHOME Interior Design

Business Name: sntHOME Interior Design
First Name: Patricia
Last Name: Davis
Address: 1580 Wells Road, Ste. #29-31
City: Orange Park
State: FL
Zip: 32073

What type of business services do you offer? We sell interior design fabrics, fabricate custom drapery and bedding, upholster soft custom furniture, provide color matching and consulting.

What role does social media play in your outreach? It provides a platform for us to reach clients, educate and inspire.

What differentiates you from the competition? We’re a one-stop resource for all things soft interior design. You have access to all the products and services you need to update, redesign, create and refresh your space, whether it’s one room or your whole house. Our fabrics are fresh milled and the variety is unmatched. The things we sell are better quality, they improve the health of your home by being cleaner, greener and less toxic with the least amount of off gassing. We spend the time to educate our customers about developments in the industry.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year? Reaching new homeowners.