Business Profile SW Employment Law

Business Name: SW Employment Law
First Name: Jacob
Last Name: Whitehead
Address: 7700 Irvine Center Drive Suite 930
City: Irvine
State: CA
Zip: 92618

What type of business services do you offer? Employment Law Firm

What role does social media play in your outreach? used to reach potential new clients

What differentiates you from the competition? Unlike other firms, we are exclusive in the type of employment cases we take. This allows us to be the best at what we do and spend time your case deserves to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Most attorneys won’t tell you this, but an attorney is not necessary for specific employment issues, and you do not need to spend years in trial or litigation to receive the compensation you deserve. It may be as simple as a letter to your employer or quick advice on how to proceed. Even with complex cases requiring you to go to trial, we will be honest in laying out different options while giving you the benefit of our extensive legal experience. With SW Employment Law, you are not only a partner but the boss in making the decisions impacting your life, not just a client.