Business Profile The Finity Law Firm, PLLC

Business Name: The Finity Law Firm, PLLC
First Name: Ryan
Last Name: Saboff
Address: 2233 Lee Road, Suite 203
City: Winter Park
State: FL
Zip: 32789

What type of business services do you offer? Legal services primarily in Estate Planning, Probate, and Medicaid Long-term Care.

What role does social media play in your outreach? Social media is a great medium to allow us to reach out to the community to provide information and to bring attention to local events we are involved with in the community.

What differentiates you from the competition? Far too many professionals in my field approach estate planning as “one size fits all” but here at the Finity Law Firm we provide custom solutions for our client’s individual goals, family dynamics, and station in life.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year? We’re seeing more and more estate planning law firms invest in digital marketing and our firm is starting to see much more competition because of it. We’re also starting to see a younger demographic that is wary of pay per click ads. We try to utilize pay per click but in combination with reviews to start a personalized relationship with the client.