Business Profile The Noctambulant

Business Name: The Noctambulant
First Name (Owner/Contact): Phillip
Last Name: Newton
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9046739284
Address: 8273 oregon st
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32220
Select One Category : Arts
Please provide a description about your business (At least 200 words): The Noctambulant is a Melodic Black Metal ensemble from Jacksonville, FL; with melodies that still manage to bare reverence to the hard-edged tradition of the genre’s European roots.
File Upload (LOGO): The-Noctambulant-Logo-no-Back.psd
File Upload (up to 3 photos): 32842131_1862351583886300_2728509589761818624_o.jpg
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