Business Profile United Community Bank

Business Name: United Community Bank
First Name: Michelle
Last Name: Barnett
Address: 820 A1A N, Suite E-11
City: Ponte Vedra Beach
State: FL
Zip: 32082

What type of business services do you offer? SBA Loans for Healthcare Practices and Businesses

What role does social media play in your outreach? Enables me to reach a broader and farther-reaching audience for the sake of informing and connecting with those seeking business loan solutions.

What differentiates you from the competition? Extensive business lending experience, industry knowledge, and ability to offer loan solutions where other lenders have gaps in their appetite, risk or ability.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year? Having an impactful outreach given the deluge of digital/virtual sources and messages that target the audience I am after.