Business Profile Vori Health

Business Name: Vori Health
First Name: Kiera
Last Name: Hanselman
Address: 2070 Wildridge Drive
City: Tallahassee
State: FL
Zip: 32303

What type of business services do you offer? Vori Health is a virtual medical practice providing integrated medical care for muscle, bone and joint related conditions and/or injuries.

What role does social media play in your outreach? Vori Health engages with online social communities most actively through Instagram and LinkedIn. Our current social media strategy is evolving and will continue to become a larger part of our overall marketing strategy.

What differentiates you from the competition? The way we diagnosis, treat and interact with members. We built the Vori Care-Model based on evidence from around the world with a specialized technology platform to support it. The Vori Care-Model uses a simultaneous, coordinated, whole-person care-team from start to finish. We surround members with an MD-led care team that offers Physical, psychological, and social support across the entire patient experience. On the 1st Virtual Visit, members will see a Vori employed board certified physician, PT, and Health Coach. Together with your member they will provide the right diagnosis and treatment plan, up front – avoiding unnecessary surgeries, medications, and imaging.