“Explore The Spectrum” with Ange Anderson from Ange Anderson Therapeutic

Ange Anderson
Therapeutic & Technological advisor at Ange Anderson Therapeutic
Website Address: https://angeandersontherapeutic.co.uk

Each week on Explore the Spectrum, our host Jeanetta Bryant discusses the latest news and developments related to autism, as well as providing expert insights and advice to our audience. Be ready for anything by listening to what these insiders have to say. This week, Jeanetta speaks with Ange Anderson from Ange Anderson Therapeutic.

To learn more, visit https://angeandersontherapeutic.co.uk.

Short company description:

Supporting parents and professionals of those who are neurodivergent.

What Is Your Why (Why Are You In Business)?

Ange Anderson Therapeutic and Technological interventions.

How did you get started in your field or work?

As a teacher.

What’s one thing we should know that makes your company unique?

The number of therapeutic interventions.

What are your biggest goals in the next 6 to 12 Months for your business?

To support others.

Who do you know that is impacted by Autism and how has that impacted you?

Students in school.