Business Name: D&J Erosion Control Specialists, Inc.
First Name: Diana & Jamie
Last Name: Lewis
Address: 5312 Swaying Oaks Ct
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32258
About Us : After approximately thirty years in the heavy highway construction field it became apparent of the need for a dependable and reliable erosion control company. After much thought, determination and sleepless nights, D & J Erosion Control Specialists, Inc. was formed January 1, 2013 by Diana and Jamie Lewis. Over the last six years D&J has continuously upheld their commitment to be that type of erosion control company in Duval and the surrounding counties. D&J strives to be professional in their appearance and work ability for their clients, even when the conditions of the project are not the best. (i.e. mud, swamp, heat, cold). D&J also believes in providing our employees with the proper training, to include safety being top priority.