Kimbretta Clay
CEO/Author/Publisher at Kimbretta LLC
Website Address:
Short company description:
As a result of working with me people become more business savvy.
They gain improved strategies, intuitive insight and increased productivity.
I do this through intimate observations and coaching. I am Kimbretta Clay, The Bad Boss Destroyer, and your next BEST decision!
Do you know anyone who needs to expand their output, grow their business or make more money? I’d love to meet them.
How do you define success?
Here’s what I know:
We need everyone we can to help others learn to be more effective and more aligned with their purpose, particularly during the times we’re living in now.
People change when they hurt enough that they have too, learn enough that they want to and receive enough that they are able to.
You’ve got to start, where you are, with what you have.
Success, is defined one step at a time.
If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?
Inspiring others to Love, Learn & Lead
How has your business changed in the past 12 months?
Post-COVID required us to adapt to new a new normal. We must now remain ready to do what we do in person and virtually. I’m at the last phase of a rebranding as we speak.
What are your biggest goals in the next 12 Months for your business?
To rebrand and attract new clients, bookings etc.