Each week on “Women Leaders: Secrets to Success”, our host, Jessica Franzini, talks to women from around the country who are taking names and breaking glass. This week, Jessica spoke to Kaitlyn Chana from Reel Stories Real People .
Reel Stories. Real People., Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) organization located in Jacksonville, Florida. Their mission is to use video-based digital media that advocates for an open dialogue through stories that inspire and educate the public on topics that are not typically showcased in traditional news media.
To learn more, visit http://www.reelstoriesrealpeople.org.
What do you feel are your key personal factors for your success?: Listening to my heart – it took myself reminding me that I’m an intrepid leader who can walk away when my heart says this isn’t your path anymore. It’s how I left TV news to obtain my MBA/MHA while starting a nonprofit and working in an ER. Putting in the work – nothing compares to rolling up your sleeves and knowing how to dig into work. Hustle – learning to manage your time, judge your expectations, and remain authentic to your heart.
What is the biggest mistake you would tell your younger self to avoid?: My biggest regret is seeing the world in black and white thinking. An all-or-nothing approach to how I saw world and the people in it. I split things into two broad camps in an attempt to make sense of all the contradictions life provides. Swing back and forth between two extremes, always or never; on or off; good food or bad food; perfect or failure.
Do you have a mentor and do you feel it is important to have one?: I’ve had many mentors — and I wouldn’t be where I am today without my village of luminary leaders to help me push past my fears and seek excellence.
Is there a book you can recommend that would be valuable to read for someone starting out in business?: Lead with Heart is a book that touched me profoundly. Since I was knee-high, I’ve always been following my heart and passions. The book reminded me that love is a verb, an action. When you lead with your heart you can express love, commitment, and honesty with others.
How do you achieve balance between your professional life and personal life?:
– Taking time to reflect on my day – using my gratitude journal.
– Understanding my why and making decisions that only support those choices. That means learning to say no.
– Creating a village – a team of supportive loved ones who push you to be your best.