“Ignite Success” with Linda Sexton from Author of The Branches We Cherish: An Open Adoption Memoir

Linda Sexton
Author (previously executive with ExxonMobil) at Author of The Branches We Cherish: An Open Adoption Memoir. Retired from ExxonMobil after 37 years
Website Address: lindarsexton.com

Short company description:

Mission is to educate on the largely unknown concept of OPEN adoption where the adoptive parents, birth parents and adopted children are known to each other and maintain contact throughout their lives.

How do you define success?

If I can help anyone that is a member or considering becoming a member of the adoption triad (adoptive parents, adopted children, birth parents) to form healthy, healing and happy relationships, then I will be successful.

If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

A kind mentor

How has your business changed in the past 12 months?

I signed with a traditional book publisher! This means that my book will be launched in the spring of 2024. Right now I am working with the publisher on cover design, reviews and endorsements and a marketing plan.

What are your biggest goals in the next 12 Months for your business?

My biggest goals are to launch my book and attend speaking engagements on the subject of open adoption. I especially want to reach the 1.5 million waiting couples who want to adopt a child.

If a book was written about you and your life, what would it be about?

It would be about being a pathfinder

  • First I was a pathfinder as one of only 3 women in my Chemical Engineering class
  • Next I was a pathfinder when I entered the male dominated energy industry and chose to start my career in technical sales
  • Finally I was a pathfinder in Open Adoption since it was a fairly new concept when we adopted and we had to chart our own course with little guidance