“Making a Difference” with Laurie Guzman from The Inside Story LLC

Each week on “Making a Difference,” our host, Pam Vasilevskis, interviews people making a difference in their community. Today, Pam had the pleasure of talking with Laurie Guzman from The Inside Story LLC.
To learn more check out www.theinsidestoryllc.com.

What volunteer experience has impacted you the most?: All volunteer experience. Giving time and your money to others and causes that support people and care and serve is doing God’s work daily. It is not about how it impacts me, it is about how it may impact another soul.

How do you define success?: People achieve and more importantly exceed their own personal and professional goals. Success is when one finds their passion and purpose and lives daily fulfilling a life that touches, leaves a positive impactful impression on others.

What’s your favorite way to get involved in the community?: Attend and be present in person

Who inspires you and why?: God, he expects alot from me and walks beside me always My sons- they have and continue to achieve more in this life time then I have and potentially ever will. People who are passionate and relentless at making a difference in the world.

What is the biggest marketing challenge you face in your business?: Finding great people to perform our work.