“Women Leaders: Secrets to Success” with Chayla Creer from PHYST

Each week on “Women Leaders: Secrets to Success”, our host, Jessica Franzini, talks to women from around the country who are taking names and breaking glass. This week, Jessica spoke to Chayla Creer from PHYST.

Dr. Chayla Creer is an advocate of movement. On June 9, 2007, a nearly fatal car accident left her body severely broken and almost paralyzed from the neck down. However, with God”s saving grace, 3 surgeries, and 15 consecutive months of Physical Therapy, 100% complete and unrestricted movement was restored to her body. Having been a patient and now a clinician, Dr. Creer uses both her skills and life experience to inspire others and help them restore their mobility.

To learn more, visit https://physt.myshopify.com.

What do you feel are your key personal factors for your success?:
-My persistent personality
-My acceptance of failing forward
-My knowledge & belief of knowing that I was created to succeed.

What is the biggest mistake you would tell your younger self to avoid?: Avoid not taking the time to learn and use your mind.

Do you have a mentor and do you feel it is important to have one?: Yes I do have a mentor. I believe that having one is not only important, but it is necessary for success.

Is there a book you can recommend that would be valuable to read for someone starting out in business?: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

How do you achieve balance between your
professional life and personal life?: By organizing my mind. I have learned to prioritize my life via various strategies to productively utilize my time to be as effective and efficient as possible. Through these strategies, I am able to manage my time better, which allows me to balance my professional life and personal life.