Business Profile Both Hands Foundation

Business Name: Both Hands Foundation
First Name: JT
Last Name: Olson
Address: PO Box 2703
City: Brentwood
State: TN
Zip: 37024

What type of business services do you offer? Both Hands helps adoptive families and volunteer groups organize service projects for widows while raising funds for adoptions and orphan causes.

What role does social media play in your outreach? Social media is a great tool for us to be able to share about all that God is doing in the lives of the families we serve and invite more people into serving widows and orphans together.

What differentiates you from the competition? Our Both Hands team works to make sure that every group, adoptive family, and widow that we work with knows that they’re not alone–we’re here to walk them through every step of the process of raising funds for adoption and orphan care.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year? A challenge that we’re excited to take on this year is introducing the idea of Both Hands group projects, an opportunity for groups of any kind (like a church, a college/university group, a business — really anyone who wants to help widows in need and support orphan causes) to serve together!