Business Profile Rebolistic Wellness

Business Name: Rebolistic Wellness
First Name: Heather
Last Name: Beebe
Address: 155 Legendary Drive Unit 203
City: St Augustine
State: FL
Zip: 32092

What type of business services do you offer? Holistic Health Coaching

What role does social media play in your outreach? Social media is my main platform for reaching potential clients, holding workshops and events, etc.

What differentiates you from the competition? What sets me apart is my belief that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and that is the approach I take in my coaching. This means I take my clients’ experience beyond just getting their physical fitness and nutrition in order and help them address wellness as a whole being with mind, body, and soul.

What is the biggest marketing challenge that you will face in the upcoming year? Knowing how to best reach my ideal clients so that I can target my efforts in the right area.