Business Profile River Garden Senior Services

Business Name: River Garden Senior Services
First Name (Owner/Contact): Kari
Last Name: Bell
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 904-260-1818
Address: 11401 Old St. Augustine Road
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32258
Select One Category : Community
Please provide a description about your business (At least 200 words): River Garden is a not-for-profit, mission-driven care center in Jacksonville, ranked #1 in Florida by US News & World Report, and a proud recipient of many awards in our scope of service. River Garden caters to seniors, offering rehabilitative care, adult day programs, independent living and long-term care. They also have a specialized home health care agency.
Over 72 years ago River Garden began as a small, residential care home in Riverside serving just a handful of elderly Jewish seniors. In 1990, the agency moved to a Mandarin location right near I-295 and Old Saint Augustine Road. The 40-acre campus sets back off the road, so you really need to come in the tree-lined drive to discover what’s there.
Today, River Garden serves approximately 300 senior adults and provides a full continuum of care.
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