Business ProfileWild Taproot

Business Name: Wild Taproot
First Name (Owner/Contact): Libby
Last Name: Jennison
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 310-292-8366
Address: 10183 Golf Club Drive
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32256
Select One Category : Health
Please provide a description about your business (At least 200 words): Wild Taproot is an edited range of small-batch botanical beauty products and herbal medicinals. With both eyes on long-term health and beauty, I formulate only with plants, oils, and clays to ensure that daily exposure to personal grooming products and health aids is a healthful practice, not a harmful one. In addition to the daily exposure of products, there is also the daily exposure to our routines. Wild Taproot, as a brand, encourages folks to ritualize daily routines. Not only does this turn habit into pleasure, but it also grounds us in the wisdom and steady rhythm of consistency.
File Upload (LOGO): 3bntt1g.png
File Upload (up to 3 photos): Small-Batch-Beauty_UnicornTears-3.jpg
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